Two Sons
I have a son who is five years old. He is a dynamo. He yearns to know the why to everything, and is bright eyed about all that is new to him. Loves his mom and dad, and mourns that they are apart. His reality, is that he is always missing someone important.

I have another son, fully grown. A gentleman. He is tremendously helpful to my craft of fatherhood. He shares his feelings, fears and desires. Articulates caution when it is needed and encouragement when it is in order. He reminds me of my role and asks me to be both teacher and student in our precious bond. He pleads with me to love those who no longer love me; to respect and uphold them. He tells me to spare him from the details, the conflict and the pain that I've endured. To shield him from base sentiments and insecurities all too common in emotional tugs-of-war. He demands that I be bold in pursuing good, and humble in admitting error. He asks me to be an example rather than a burden, a father instead of a buddy. He implores that I never leave him.

It is easy to heed the words of my fully grown son, resonating in my mind. Even if he is only five, at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Friend, you are doing an *awesome* job being a father to your little man! Keep your eyes fixed on the Best Father of all!

    Your blog post this morning reminded me of this song that I love:

    BTW, this Saturday we'll be at UOIT (Wellness Centre gym) at the Robotics Provincial Championships... if you want to drop by, the event is free & open to the public. In the afternoon would be best, between 1-4pm.
